
Sunday, 25 March 2012

Am I Living in the Matrix?...

Don't you think it's weird how you find what you are looking for or what you need? I wonder sometimes if I live in the Matrix? When I think about an item that I'm interested in or need and then bam... There it is. I'm talking about the next day or the next oppy or garage sale I go to. Is it coincidence? Is it spirit guides? Am I psychic?

Here are a few items where that happened...

Bowls - New Zealand Native Wood
Soooo many uses for these.

Bowls - New Zealand Native Wood
I love the feel too.

Mixture of Sewing Thread
Because I'm always running out.

Mixture of Sewing Thread
It's just so expensive.

Sewing Pattern
Have not attempted this yet.

Sewing Pattern
Or this one.

Sewing Pattern
Ahem or this one!

Alphabet Blocks
So the visiting kiddies have something to play with...
while we bitch over a cuppa.

Monopoly Game
Got to have one!

Scrabble Game
For epic family arguments.

Vintage Suitcases
For storing my fabric stash.

Vintage Suitcase
For more fabric stashing.

Check out some fabulous treasure at Flea Market Finds and Thrift Share Monday


  1. What lovely find: especially the wooden bowls and vintage coats/sylko threads: thrifted threads are so much better!

  2. I love all your finds - especially the bowls and the suitcases. Nice stuff! x

  3. Those vintage Vogue patterns are easy to sell on Ebay and those are too cute.And I'm smitten with your suitcases-love.

  4. I love all the vintage suitcases and the wooden bowls...great finds!
    Cheers ~ Lara

  5. Oh my! Your vintage suitcases are gorgeous! I am drooling a little, I think!

  6. those suitcases are so beautiful! i love the blue one!

  7. I am now going to try thinking, and visualizing the items that I have on my want list before I go thrifting. You found some great items.❣

  8. Great finds - love the old suitcases - so pretty and practical!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  9. You must have some really good karma if you're finding everything on your list! That's awesome.
    I particularly love those suitcases, especially because they have those straps, I haven't seen them like that before.


Greetings my pretties! Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave your comments. Have a fabulous day :-)